If you ask almost anyone what they believe to be their most precious resource, I can assure you with 99% certainty that they would say time.
We all want more of it….
More time to get things done.
More time to spend with our loved ones.
More time to find out our calling in this life.
While we all crave more time, there are plenty of ways we waste the time we already have on a daily basis.
Today I’m sharing the 25 ways you’re wasting time on a daily basis, and how to fix it so you can reclaim your time back!
25 ways you’re wasting time on a daily basis:
1. Watching too much tv
(I’m so guilty of this). Instead of watching hours of tv every night, try reading a great book that captures your attention in the same way that tv does. The Girl on the Train has been a recent favorite of mine.
2. Eating junk food
Fueling your body with good food that will give you energy instead of junk food that will drain you can help you to be more productive! You can find some easy and healthy snack ideas here. If you’re looking for a healthier snack option that is a good substitute when you’re having junk food cravings, this kettle corn has been a new favorite for me recently. It helps that the packaging is super cute too!
3. Answering your phone when you’re in the middle of something
Answering your phone when you’re in the middle of getting work done is a surefire way to kill your productivity entirely. If you know the call isn’t something urgent, let it go to voicemail so you can call them back when you are finished with the task at hand.
4. Being addicted to social media
Are you someone that is constantly refreshing your Facebook or Instagram feeds looking for the latest updates from your friends? Social media can be a huge time suck if you let it be. I also know that it’s easy to fall prey to the social media trap when you aren’t aware of how much time you are spending on social media each day.
Try deleting all social media apps off your phone to limit your access throughout the day and only allow yourself to “check in” once or twice a day so that you aren’t spending huge amounts of time on social media in general. You’ll likely feel more free by not checking it all as much too!
5. Checking your email constantly
If you find yourself checking your email multiple times every hour, there is a good chance that you are spending way too much of your day in your inbox. While it’s important to be responsive with emails, especially work-related ones, it’s usually not necessary to be checking your inbox 10-15 times per day.
Instead of constantly monitoring your emails and letting it interfere with your productivity, try checking in just three times per day so you can focus more time on getting your to-do list done, and less time getting sidetracked.
6. Failing to put things back where they belong
Sometimes when we get home from a long day, it’s easy to take the lazy route and toss our coats over chairs, drop our keys on a random table, and kick off our shoes and leave them whenever they may land.
The truth is though, if you take an extra minute or two to put these items where they belong when you get home, you will likely save yourself even more time when you’re trying to look for them the next time you leave the house. Spend the time putting things back where they belong so you don’t have to waste more time later on trying to find them!
7. Emailing someone back and forth
If you have an email chain with over 20 emails going back and forth with someone over some small details, it’s likely time to pick up the phone. While I usually always prefer using email over the phone for work, there does come a point where it is much more efficient to pick up the phone and have a ten minute conversation to hammer out the details rather than spending 30 minutes continuing to go back and forth with your email chain and getting nowhere.
8. Not having a schedule in place
Having a loose schedule in place for your day helps to put your brain on auto-pilot so that you don’t have to put so much energy into figuring out “what comes next” in your day. Even if your schedule changes on a daily basis, try to put a rough plan in place every night for what the next day is going to look like. It will likely help you to get through your day with confidence knowing that you are being intentional with your time.
9. Making promises you can’t keep
If you know that you won’t be able to keep your word, try your best to not make that commitment in the first place. Don’t offer empty promises or commit to things that you are unable to follow through with. Be realistic with the promises you can keep and don’t waste your time or anyone else’s by making promises you know you’ll have to break.
10. Spending time with toxic people
Toxic people can be very detrimental to our overall happiness levels if we find ourselves spending too much time with them. Read this post to learn how to stop wasting your energy on toxic people.
11. Being passive aggressive
This has been a personal pet peeve of mine lately, even though I know I can be passive aggressive at times too. Being passive aggressive usually means we have something that is weighing on our mind but we don’t typically just come right out and say it. Instead, we make subtle or not-so-subtle hints to try to tell someone else our feelings without actually saying what’s on our mind.
Next time you are feeling this way, try expressing your feelings in a more direct and constructive way instead of beating around the bush. I can promise you will feel so much better!
12. Not being fully present
Being fully present in any given moment not only allows us to work more efficiently, but it also helps us to enjoy life more. Soak up every moment, even the ones where you are working on unpleasant tasks. I think you will find yourself enjoying those unpleasant tasks more when you fully immerse yourself in them and try to enjoy the process as best as you can. Read this post for more tips on how to be fully present.
13. Constantly multitasking
I get it, it’s hard to focus on only one thing at a time. But it can be really hard to get much of anything done well when you are bouncing around from one task to the next and aren’t giving anything your complete attention. Stop trying to do a million things at once, and I think you’ll find yourself not only producing better work, but being a lot more efficient too.
14. Spending too much time caring about what others think of you
I know this is easier said than done, but caring too much about what others think leaves you in a place where you are living your life for what others think you should be, rather than what you want to be. Care less about what others think, and more about what you want.
15. Not automating bill payments
Do you keep forgetting to pay certain bills on time and as a result are paying late fees and stressing about it all the time? Automate all the bill payments you can so that this isn’t an ongoing worry.
16. Not having a morning routine
Having a simple morning routine has brought so much peace and productivity to my life. I share more about how I implemented the tips I learned from the Makeover Your Mornings course in this post to turn my mornings around, and I cannot recommend creating a morning routine enough. It is a game changer!
17. Sifting through clutter to find the things you need
If you find yourself constantly sorting through clutter to find things, then it’s time to donate and get rid of some things, my friend! Life is a lot easier and less stressful when you’re not always looking for things you need or sifting through crap you don’t even use. If you’re wondering what to keep or what to toss, ask yourself these 12 questions to help you declutter as you go through your possessions.
If you struggle with a lot of paper clutter in your home, The Paperless Home has been a great resource for me to simplify my office and home from the piles of paper that once inhibited it.
18. Waiting for good things to happen
Stop waiting for good things to happen to you and instead get out there and make them happen! There’s no better time to start working toward your dreams than right now. You deserve to live a life you love!
19. Having no idea where your time goes while online
Sometimes while we are on our computers, we really have no idea how much time we are wasting on things like social media or YouTube. RescueTime is a great free resource to use to get a better picture of your habits while on your computer, and how much of your time is actually being spent doing productive tasks. It’s a cool app that tracks your time spent on applications and various websites and then sends you a report to give you a more accurate version of how your computer time was spent.
20. Procrastinating
If you have one task that you are absolutely dreading and just keep putting it off – stop the madness! You will feel so much better if you just get that unpleasant task done with so you can focus on other things and not constantly have it at the back of your mind.
21. Gossiping
As I get older, gossip is something I have less and less tolerance for. While I am by no means perfect and definitely still find myself gossiping on occasion, it is something I’m really trying to work on. Concerning ourselves too much about what others are doing is a recipe for unhappiness and discontentment in our own lives. Do you ever walk away from a gossip session feeling good or accomplished? No? Me neither.
22. Struggling to make decisions
If you are someone who often struggles with making decisions (I personally struggle a whole lot), try listening to what your gut tells you when have to make your next big decision. It can be easy to over-analyze every little detail when you need to make a decision, but often your gut can tell you the right answer without all of the deliberation involved.
23. Not using a planner
Being organized is one of the absolute best ways to save yourself time on a daily basis. Using a planner to keep track of your schedule and to-dos helps to assure you don’t forget anything important and aren’t wasting time trying to figure out the plan for the day. Some awesome planners I’ve found that are functional yet absolutely beautiful are this one from Ban.Do and this one from Lilly Pulitzer. Pretty planners aren’t absolutely necessary to stay organized, but they do make the process a heck of a lot more fun!
24. Not making your commute time productive
If you have a long commute to work every day, I sympathize with you. I too once had a super long commute that involved driving 1-2 hours each way to work every morning. When I look back, I realize that I didn’t take full advantage of that time spent in my car. Sure, I would enjoy listening to music and try to make the best of the alone time, but I really could have made that time a lot more productive.
Instead of listening to music during your whole commute, try listening to an audio book or podcast to learn something new. If you have an Amazon Prime membership, you can borrow free audio books and podcasts through the kindle owners’ lending library.
25. Complaining
Typically nothing positive can come from complaining. I know that it can be a hard habit to break, but it’s one worth putting effort into. Complaining can often make bad situations seem even worse and are by no means a good use of your time. If you are struggling with complaining and want to break the habit, I highly recommend the book A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted. It’s a great resource to help you stop the complaining once and for all and start having a more positive outlook on life!
Making better use of your time is just a matter of creating lots of little tweaks that can add up to a huge change in the way you spend your days. Most of the time, we don’t even realize how we are wasting our time or the ways we can improve to make the most of our day. I hope these helped you in identifying your own time sucks and how you can have more time to spend on doing the things you love!
Which one of these do you struggle the most with? Share with me below!
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Love this post!!! I am guilty of a few of these
Biggest one for sure is wasting time online. I don’t watch too much TV, but I sure can kill a few hours doing nothing on the computer!
And, my morning routine is something I’ve been struggling with (though I am up early today – hooray!). I hate to make excuses, but it can definitely be hard to consistently get up early with little ones in the house! I always feel better when I accomplish even one thing before they wake (even if it’s just drinking a cup of coffee), so I need to do this more!
You’re reading Girl on the Train?! I LOVED that book!! Let me know what you think!!
I loved Girl on the Train! Gone Girl was amazing too! I love finding books that seriously grab my attention and keep me engaged.
Have a great day
Yes Debra!! Girl on the Train was amazing! I haven’t read Gone Girl yet (but it’s on my list!). I saw the movie for Gone Girl and thought it was pretty good, but I’ve heard the book is a million times more amazing.
It’s so tough with little ones Sarah! I have to force myself out of bed to at least have a cup of coffee before Little Miss is awake, otherwise I don’t start my day off on the right foot
I finished it a little while back — I LOVED it. So good!!
Such a great post – I’m definitely guilty of more than a few of these!
Thank you Amanda! I think we are ALL guilty of more than a few of these
Planner has been a game-changer for me for sure. I have also cut back a lot from watching TV. I now only follow my favorite shows and not have the TV on all the time. It really works as a magic and I get much more done.
Same for me Reelika! Using a planner sounds almost too simple to be a game-changer, but it truly is!
All good advice; passive-aggressive behaviors are rampant, and I know I’m guilty of this too. I try to surround myself with honesty; clearing the air works wonders. Talk it over with a spouse or trusted friend first. I’m also a decision maker and it makes me crazy when people waffle and don’t want to make them. Email chains – guilty! I will pick up the phone.
Thanks Pam! Oh yes, I’ve been guilty of all of these things at one time or another. We are all only human after all!
I am definitely guilty of some of these! I have to seriously limit email during the day. Since some family and friends know I’m home, they think it’s normal to try to text/email with me all day long. I’ve got stuff to do!
Haha you’d think they would know by now Holly, especially since you’ve been self-employed for awhile now. I think it’s very hard for those who don’t work from home to understand how difficult it can be to keep work life separate from your personal life so you can actually get things done! I’ve been lucky that both my parents have been working from home for decades so they “get it” and can commiserate with me
Great post. Thank you for sharing. I am going to use this list as an improvement guideline to make 2016 my most satisfying year yet!
Thank you so much Linda, it was very rewarding for me to write! That is so awesome to hear, I’m glad this post was helpful for you
Great post! I’m totally guilty of checking my email a million times a day. And answering my phone and then getting completely thrown off. I need to practice being better at one task at a time.
Thanks Alex! It’s so hard when you’re feeling thrown into a million different directions, but I find just focusing on one task at a time really helps me to stay focused and actually get stuff done. Especially now that my working time is so limited with Little Miss!
Great post. I definitely have an issue with wasting time. I know I need to rework my morning routine and learn to focus on the things I want to get done rather than barely touching many things to do.
Thank you Kathy! I think we all have issues with wasting time – I can guarantee no one is perfect in this aspect
Hi Christina! I love that watching too much TV is at the top of your list. Out of nowhere 6 months ago I decided I was watching to much TV and limited myself to only indulging after 5pm. OMG was it hard but I get so much more done during the day when I’m not distracted by the boob tube. I’m trying to get my boyfriend on board, he loves the concept and is inspired by how much more I get done in a day but he has yet to take the plunge. GREAT LIST LIKE ALWAYS
That’s fantastic Mary! I usually save tv for only at night after Little Miss is in bed for the same reason. It’s a total time suck for me otherwise because I get dragged into the “consuming” information mindset instead of creating. Maybe 2016 will be your boyfriend’s year to cut out tv a bit more too
Email is one that I’m continually trying to get better at! I turned email notifications off on my phone because otherwise I look at them as soon as they come in! And at work, I try to close Outlook for periods when I’m busy so that I don’t have the temptation to check.
I’m the same way Catherine! I also have a nasty habit of reading emails on my phone but then never responding because they no longer look “new” to me once I get on my laptop to check my inbox. It can be a vicious cycle!
This equated to 25 slaps in the forehead for me. I do so many of these! Picking up the phone instead of emails is honestly the best advice ever. I can’t tell you how much time I’ve wasted (and stress I’ve suffered through!) just waiting for an email to come back…and without all the info I need, so I wait again…and the cycle continues. Great advice!
Aw haha that made me laugh Nikki! I’m the same way sometimes, it can be a vicious cycle! Thanks friend!
Ouch, I felt like I just got a talking to!
Thanks for the reminders. Making your commute time count is a great tip – I always call family when I drive and catch up with them then. Never during my toddler’s nap time, that is pure gold to be doing something more productive.
Ouch, I’m guilty. I’ve been trying to be more conscious of how I spend my time lately and I’ve realized that I spend way too much time with technology (tv, computer, phone). Currently working on finding new ways to utilize downtime without immediately reaching for my phone or the remote. Thanks for bringing these things to my attention.
This post speaks to me on so many levels. I’m kind of ashamed…..
My biggest weaknesses are not planning out my days and losing track of time. It’s so hard to get everything done in a day! Your words of wisdom are definitely helpful.
Thanks for the post and tips on how to stay on track. Hopefully I can stick to them!
I am passive aggressive.i want to lose weight but my mom would kill me if i tell her so.she feels i,m skinny but i,m not.i want to be 45 kg .i,m 19.and i m 54 kg.i try to eat less and exercise but my mom feels i,m anorexic.trust me,i,m not.i try to stay away from junkies and eat healthy and when i do this,my mom fires at me.i,m so depressed.i,ve also got exam after one month.should i leave everything and first focus on exam and then think of losing weight and all that or …what should i do??? Plxzxx…help…i,m depressed and cant study because of it.
Great post. I definitely have a problem wasting time. I know I need to re-work my morning routine and learn to focus on the things I want to do instead of just touching a lot of things. I’m totally guilty of checking my email a million times a day. And answering my phone and then shutting down completely. I need to practice getting better at one job at a time.
I definitely have a problem wasting time. I know I need to re-work my morning routine and learn to focus on the things I want to do instead of touching too many things. I’m totally guilty of checking my email a million times a day. And answer my phone and then turn it off completely. I need to practice getting better at one job at a time.