When you think of being considered successful, what picture is painted in your mind? Everyone has a very different answer to that question. Success can be measured in a lot of different ways, and one person’s definition of success can be the exact opposite of the individual sitting next to them. [Read more…]
A Day in the Life of a Work-From-Home Mom
I always find it fascinating to read about how other people spend their day, or what their typical schedule looks like. I can’t be the only
stalker nosy one out there, right? I thought it would be fun to share my own day in the life of what my schedule has been lately.
Right now I’m self-employed and work from home while also taking care of Little Miss (LM), my 9-month-old daughter. I don’t send her to daycare or hire any babysitters, so I manage to bring a part-time income into our home while still getting to be a stay-at-home Mom.
While it’s certainly not easy, I love my work and I love being able to be at home with my baby girl even more. I know that being a work-from-home Mom is not for everyone, but for anyone wondering how it’s possible to juggle work and a baby simultaneously, this is proof that it can be done. [Read more…]
Book Review + Giveaway: The Mommy Blogger Next Door
THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED. THANK YOU ALL FOR ENTERING! The winner of The Mommy Blogger Next Door book giveaway is Tennille.
Stephanie O’Dea graciously provided her book for this giveaway, but this is not a sponsored post and I have not been compensated otherwise. All opinions and general sassiness are 100% my own.
I’m super excited to be doing my first giveaway and a review on a fabulous new book that I am thrilled to be sharing with you all! [Read more…]
How to Cope With a Job You Hate
I had a job that I was miserable at right before I began doing my freelance work a few years ago. I loved many of my co-workers and clients, but the lack of a work-life balance and the awful commute were killing me. I was working an insane amount of hours each week and then had a commute where I drove 1-2 hours each way.
My experience actually ended up turning into something positive because it gave me the push I needed to start my freelance business and be able to work from home, but it is still fresh in my mind how being stuck in a job you are miserable at can become downright depressing and consuming.
I developed some strategies for coping with a miserable job that really helped me, and I hope you find these helpful as well! [Read more…]
11 Habits for Work-at-Home Productivity
I’ve been working from home (I have my own freelance business) for 2 years now and have established some habits that really help me to buckle down and be productive.
I thought I’d share some of the habits I’ve found to be helpful for anyone who currently works from home or is considering it in the future. Many of these are also relevant to anyone who works in an office. These all applied to me before my daughter was born, and albeit the game has changed quite a bit once I threw a baby into the mix, these rules still apply. I’d like to do a follow-up post with specifics that apply to only work-from-home parents as well.