I hope your week was a productive one and that you have some fabulous plans for this weekend. After multiple Easter gatherings last weekend with each of our families, I am ready to relax and get some things done around the house this weekend. Little Miss has been wanting to walk in the worst way, which has led to a few tumbles lately. She is keeping me on my toes for sure! 9 months has proved to be quite a fun age though, and I’m looking forward to all of the adventure that is opened up to us by her being able to walk. I see lots of playground, park, and lake time in store for us in the coming warmer months and couldn’t be any more excited for it!
I’m sharing some of my favorite blog posts from the past few of weeks. Fix yourself a beverage of your choice, kick back, and enjoy!
Blog posts that inspired me the past few weeks:
29 Smart Ways to Make Money on the Side in 2015 on The Penny Hoarder. I thought this was perfect timing after talking about my side hustle in How I Bought a House at 22 earlier this week. An in-depth list of various ways you can make money on the side to save up for a down payment, pay off debt, or just have a little extra cash in your pocket.
How not to raise a narcissist in 9 easy steps on New York Post. I worry about making sure that Little Miss has fun experiences and knows how much we love her, without her becoming a spoiled brat later on. This is an informative article about how to raise a child who’s confident, kind and aware of others.
Create the life you’ve always wanted on Become a Freelance Writer. Sarah talks about living the life you want by creating the life of your dreams, which is something I am extremely passionate about!
How to Stop Working All The Time on Psychology Today. Great tips for training yourself to disconnect after work hours for a better work-life balance.
In case you missed anything on Embracing Simple the past week, here’s a quick recap of what’s been going on:
March Update & April Goals – Reviewing my progress on the goals I set for myself for March, as well as sharing my new goals for the month of April.
How I Bought a House at 22 – I share my experience with how I bought a house at 22 and strategies that helped us in affording our current home. Great for anyone who would love to be a homeowner, even if you’re not a young adult.
Ways to Be Fully Present – Ways to be fully present to help you slow down and enjoy the here and now. There are so many advantages that come from living in the moment!
You may have also noticed that I changed the look of the blog a bit this week, including adding a new header (created by yours truly) and changing the text color of links from pink to blue. I personally find the blue a bit easier to read than the pink was, but let me know your thoughts and opinions on if you have one preference over the other. I want this to be your happy place, so do share your preferences with me! Any and all feedback is welcome 🙂 .
Have a wonderful weekend, and happy reading!
What are your plans for the weekend? Share them with me below, I’d love to know!
Thanks for the shout-out!! 🙂 This weekend we are also laying low! Last weekend (and week) we were in Boca Raton, FL visiting family (my mom was also there visiting!), so we are ready to take it easy! As much as I love vacationing, there really is no place like home (especially with kids who need a schedule haha).
Hope you have a great weekend!! 🙂
You bet Sarah! Thanks for the awesome read.
That’s great, I hope you enjoy your low key weekend at home with your hubby and girls. Thank you!
I love the header! I wish I had more know-how in how to do stuff like that.
Aw thank you, Robin! It took me quite awhile to get it ‘just right’, but I had a lot of fun making it. I’m trying to get better with graphics and dabble in graphic design a bit since I really enjoy it.
I wish I could do a header. “Junior” did my last one and isn’t thrilled that I want a new one already. Jay goes on and on about how the cartoon looks nothing like me. I don’t really care, but I like change …
And by the way, I do like your “pot” plant up there! 😛
I am trying to get better with graphics, as I really enjoy the process of creating images! It took me hours to create my own and get it ‘just so’, but once I get more experienced and it doesn’t take me quite as long, I’d love to help create a header for my friend Kay! 🙂 For what it’s worth, I really like your current header!
Oh gosh…I didn’t even think of that. haha!
Thanks for sharing, I enjoy reading different blogs and articles during weekend a lot 🙂 I came across How I Bought A House at 22 as well and just loved it!
Thanks so much Reelika, I’m glad you found me! Looking forward to checking out your blog right now!
What an exciting time, with Little Miss learning to walk. And just in time for playing outdoors this summer! We scored free passes to a food and wine festival yesterday, and then went to a family crawfish boil. It´s been a great weekend 🙂
Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend Chela, glad to hear it!
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