With summer just around the corner, I am really looking forward to creating some fun memories with my little family in the upcoming months. Summer has always been my absolute favorite time of year. Perhaps it’s because I’m a summer baby (born in August), but I’m hoping my Little Miss (who was born in June) loves summer just as much as her Mama always has!
As Little Miss gets older, I’m more and more excited to start traditions and create memories with her. Even if she won’t necessarily always remember the things we do these next few years, her Dad and I sure will and we are really looking forward to creating some awesome memories with her. Last summer was a little tough with having a newborn, so I didn’t really get outside as much as I would have liked, and I can’t wait to make up for it this year!
My lists are typically of the “to-do” variety, so I thought putting together a summer bucket list of all the fun things I want to do and memories I want to create would be a nice change of pace for me. Hopefully this gives you a little inspiration for your own summer bucket list!
My summer bucket list:
- Go swimming
- Make homemade popsicles
- Visit the local splash pad
- Go to my parents’ lake house every chance we have
- See fireworks
- Have a picnic at the park
- Make a bonfire and s’mores
- Make homemade ice cream
- Go to a free concert in the park that our town has every week
- Play in the sprinkler
- Get ice cream from an ice cream truck
- Feed ducks at a local pond
- Watch a parade
- Paint with pudding
- Build a fort
- Celebrate Little Miss’s 1st birthday in June and making it through our first year of parenthood
- Visit the farmer’s market
- Blow bubbles
- Visit the zoo
- Make some homemade (edible) play dough
What fun things are on your summer bucket list? ๐
We have a neighborhood pool and it opens next weekend. I cannot wait! We take a cooler over there and have picnics almost every Saturday. My kids will literally swim and play all day if I let them!
That is AWESOME Holly! I grew up with a neighborhood pool and am so missing that now that we have a kid too. It was great for my brother and I to just ride our bikes or walk there all the time. I hope my kids love the water as much as yours do, that would be so much fun for me ๐
Spring and summer are by far my favorite seasons. We just booked tickets yesterday to visit our home state later this summer, and we are planning all sorts of summer activities while we’re there. Here in Switzerland we’re hoping to get in as many day trips, hikes in the mountains, visits to summer festivals, walks with our dog, and dinners outside on our patio as we can.
That’s awesome Jennifer! Dinners outside on the patio are so simple but I really enjoy those too. Sounds like you have a wonderful summer ahead of you!
We have started our bucket list and going to a drive in movie was one if the first things the kids came up with. Also lots of sleepovers. We can’t wait for summer along with many of th ed things on your list.
That’s so fun! I can’t wait until Little Miss is old enough to sit through a movie – drive in theaters are very cool!
I love this idea so much I’m going to have the kids each fill out their own bucket lists so we can make a master list of fun! Thank you for the motivation Christina!
Yay, that’s great! ๐
What a GREAT summer you have ahead of you! I rediscovered the joy of blowing bubbles during my senior year in high school– it’s such a surprising way to relax!
It really is! I just bought a little thing of bubbles at Target yesterday and can’t wait to have some fun with the babe outside with them ๐
Paint with pudding, eh?
I’m in! Pick a date! ๐
I know, doesn’t it sound so fun? …..and super delicious! ๐
We have a neighborhood pool that we’ll be going to every weekend! In addition to that, I want to get out on the lake (on a boat and even just walking around, haha) and hopefully take a trip up to the mountains!
That sounds so fantastic. I grew up with a neighborhood pool we could walk/ride our bikes too, and I’m missing that now for our little family! It was so much fun. You guys have a great summer in store for you!
Great bucket list! I haven’t given much thought to mine yet : / I guess I’m just trying to survive this month as I’ll be done with my GMAT and can then start thinking about having fun again. I definitely want to go to the beach a few times and, while the work isn’t fun, I would like to finish some landscaping projects.
Thanks DC! I think you have a very full plate, and I’m sure you’ll feel relieved once the GMAT is over and you can relax more.
What a fun list! I want to make a summer bucket list for our family, too!
Fun fact: I’m an August baby with a June baby ๐
Well, you are the best kind of people then! Haha, love it. Did you love your summer birthday so much that you wanted your June bug to have a summer bday too? We totally planned it that way. My hubby was born in February and hated that he could never do outdoor parties for his birthday. I loved having pool and waterpark parties as a kid ๐
Sounds like a fantastic summer! I think I’m going to make my own list. ๐
Do all the fun (adult) things that you won’t have a chance to do for awhile after that sweet little babe makes her arrival! ๐
What a happy list! We always try to go floating (tubing) down the river at least a few times each summer. Itยดs so relaxing, and great to do with friends or little ones!
That IS fun Chela! I love tubing down rivers too!
Great list! I haven’t even started on mine but summer is right around the corner. There will be a community pool at our new place so we definitely plan on taking advantage of that. I also want to go to Brookfield Zoo, go horseback riding, and zip lining (still haven’t done that yet and there’s actually a place in IL). My son loves the Metra train, so we will have to take a mini trip somewhere one day maybe to Navy Pier downtown. The children’s museum there is free to kids every first Sunday of the month.
That’s awesome Chonce! Definitely take advantage of that pool :). There’s a zip lining place around here?! I’ll have to check that out – I love zip lining!
I’m not sure where you’re at but there’s a place called Zip Chicago a little more than an hour away from me. The name is ironic because it sounds like this place is out in the boonies and it no where near Chicago but it’s still an option to do a day trip or something. Here’s their site: http://www.zipchicago.com/
We’re in the western burbs! Looks like it’s exactly an hour away from us, that might be really cool to check out. Thanks so much for sharing Chonce! ๐ I had no idea they even existed.